; ?>>How To Draw A Rainbow Mandala With A Spiral Doodled Cloud

How To Draw A Rainbow Mandala With A Spiral Doodled Cloud

this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud

If you have already watched my videos, then you must have seen the optical illusion projects in which I use the spiral doodling technique. I personally consider this technique quite satisfying and extremely relaxing, and it was beyond fun applying it on this cloud right here.

I sure hope that you, in return, will enjoy it as much as I did!

Materials Needed:

  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Pencil
  • 12″ Ruler
  • Fine black drawing pen
  • Stabilo fine point 88; codes:88/40-88/54- 88/44- 88/43-88/32- 88/41


  1. Mark the center of the paper and trace a horizontal line crossing the center.
  2. On the bottom side of the horizontal line trace overlaid circles (2 cm radius each) using a compass.
  3. On the upper side, using the protractor, trace a line every 10 degrees, then trace half circles with the following radii: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 cm.
  4. Draw the outline of the cloud by retracing the outline of the small circles using the black drawing pen
  5. Decorate the inside of the cloud by using thespiral doodling techniqueas shown in the images below
this is the image of  mandala grid and a number of small circles below it
this is the image of a mandala grid and a cloud
this is the image of a mandala grid and a cloud
  1. Once the whole cloud is filled, start drawing therainbow Mandala. I chose to start from the darkest blue to the red. 
  2. Trace one regular petal on each grid section, and trace a pen stroke in the center of each.
  3. Using the lighter blue, trace a regular petal on each 2 grid sections, then draw a teardrop between every 2 petals.
  4. Draw a line in the center of each petal, and on one side trace diagonal lines, and on the other side draw a number of points. Last, color the drop petals.
  1. Using the lighter green, draw a regular petal having as a start and end point the summit of the previous light blue color.
  2. Fill the inside of the green petals with arcs as shown in the image, then draw a teardrop between every 2 petals.
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
  1. Using the darker green, and taking as a start and end point the top of each light green teardrop, trace intersected petals as shown in the image below.
  2. Retrace the outline of the circle and color with dark green the space created between the line and the petals drawn.
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
  1. If you look at the dark green petals, you will see that we have bottom petals and upper petals. Now we will decorate the upper petals. First, trace a double outline on the inner left of each petal, then another outline on the inner right of each petal, and last, draw a point as shown in the images below.
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
  1. Next, trace yellow regular petals on each 2 grid section, having as a start and an endpoint the summit of the petals. Fill these petals with arcs, then trace between every 2 petals a teardrop.
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
  1. Using the orange color, trace triangles having as an end and start to point the summit of each yellow petal. Then, retrace the outline of the circle and draw woven lines in the space created between the outline of the circle and the triangles.
    Last, draw three small orange teardrops around the yellow teardrop.
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
  1. The last step is the red color. Trace petals taking as a start and end point the summit of each orange triangle. Fill these petals with arc and draw a teardrop between every 2 petals.
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud
this is the image of a rainbow mandala and a tangled cloud

Video Tutorial


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